This is the game called color jumper it has with 2 players if you play with each other? go top zoom first to call your friends in virtual like in zoom share the screen go ask a friend to control the screen on zoom so the other person can join you the both of you can play with each other the game called color jumper when the color screen is red? go to red, if the color is yellow? go to yellow, if the color screen is green? go to green, if the screen is blue? go to blue? if the color screen is orange? go to orange, if the color screen is purple? go to purple so if the color screen disappeared ? stay on the color where you are so you won't die if you do? the player wins like player 1 wins player 1 wins or player 2 wins player 2 wins when the player 1 falls of the color bridge when the color bridge disappear if player 1 wins when player 2 falls of the color bridge player 1 wins so good luck and have fun oh by the way A key is to move left, and D key is to move right and the other control keys is the arrows left and right